Tuesday, September 13, 2011

All I Want to See is A Sky Full of Lighters...

Yes I am still alive! I had an exciting and busy summer, wedding plans, new job, and everything else life throws at you. I am officially coming back to APETSNC full time, I have alot of ideas for this blog that are going to come alive right now and I am stoked. Keep Reading...

New Additions to the site:
*Opening Acts
-This will be a weekly thing, every Wednesday there will be a new opening act. These are current artist that you may have heard a bit about or may have never heard of them. I will give you a brief description and links so u can become a fan! (Starting Sept. 21 2011)
*Fresh Tracks
-This is going to be a weekly posting on Fridays, giving my top 5 new release singles.
*Backstage Passes
-Just put your Email under our logo and click submit. This enrolls you to our email list, and when anew blog is posted it is going to be sent straight to your email! Cool Right?

***Coming Soon***
-New Blogger
-Much More!

And Please Enjoy the Show!


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